Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter Morning Joy

Imagine --if you can, dear hearts--

That twas you---who went to find

An empty tomb--JESUS gone

Guard soldiers all struck blind

Imagine--hearing an angel speak--

Saying "He is risen, and is not here"!!

How happy would your heart be--

Could you retain-- that joyful tear?

Imagine --the hastening of your steps

As you rushed to share the news.

The rocky path, no longer steep

But smooth beneath your shoes

Imagine remembering the promise

GOD gives to all who believe

That His son now lives forever

And His death we need not grieve

God's promise kept in words of truth

This life is not the end.

But hope eternal is ours to claim!!

He lives!! He lives!! -- my friend

Easter joy--yet what sacrifice

That God's own son should pay the price

For love eternal---peace divine

Praise God I'm His---and He is mine

- Marie Alexander